Bitwise operations can sometimes look like some abstract hocus pocus. But if you take the time to get to understand the ins and outs, you’ll see that they can be very useful in some specific occasions. Continue reading “Bitwise operations”
Month: January 2019
Project Effects Loop Switcher: Introduction to the project
Why a loop switcher?
Like most guitar geeks I too am cursed with an incurable disease named GAS. For those who may have never heard of it before: it’s an acronym which stands for Gear Aquisition Syndrome, or the irresistible urge to try and buy new guitar gear. All this in the holy search for the ultimate sound. Continue reading “Project Effects Loop Switcher: Introduction to the project”
Drawing on the iPad – Adobe Sketch
There’s an app called ‘Sketch’ by Adobe. It features some great traditional drawing tools, like pecils, pens, brushes etc.
But there is one specific tool which really stands out when it comes to mimicking the real thing. Continue reading “Drawing on the iPad – Adobe Sketch”